Bladder Stones
When excessive minerals saturate in the urine in the urinary bladder, stones are formed. Stones may be caused due to infection in the bladder or congenital metabolic abnormalities. The symptoms of bladder stones are similar to bladder infection which include straining to urinate, frequent urination, and blood in the urine. In some cases, bladder stones may not show any obvious signs and are found incidentally in x-rays taken for other purposes. Sometimes, stones lodge in the urethra and obstruct urination. It is a life-threatening condition and needs to be addressed immediately because it can cause acute kidney failure. Diagnosis is based on radiographs and ultrasound. Treatment can be surgical or non-surgical and depends on the type and location of the stone. When the stone is not causing any obstruction is can be treated by dietary dissolution. However, in some cases, it is necessary to remove the stone surgically. After removal, the composition of the stone is analyzed and changes are made to prevent the recurring of bladder stone. Your vet will guide you about the plan to be chosen. Â